Book illustrations
A selection of projects:
Moon Candy Rebellion - (aka Land at the Back of the Moon)
A wonderful children's book about a girl that does a brave thing and sets off a wave of courage. Written by Brian Fitzgerald.
The Ocean Adventure of Frans & Virginijus
A pop-up book produced for a coalition of Ocean conservation NGOs, as part of a campaign to request Minister Frans Timmermans & Minister Virginijus Sinkevičius to highlight the Ocean Action Plan in the EU parliament.
The pop-up book was one of three elements to the campaign that needed to be designed. The other two elements were the front cover and two page spreads for Politico magazine as well as an "Ocean Adventure" back drop for a media stunt.

A Tale of Two Islands - Comic book
A book illustrated and produced for as a gift to delegates during the annual meeting to urge them to take action. The delegates are all characters in the book and must make the choice between two futures (islands), one where they take action and one if they don't. You can guess which island is nicer. ;-)